Danilo Aprigliano


Cultures of orality and web 2.0

I find that there are obvious parallels between cultures based on orality and the society that is being created through the widespread and massive use of web 2.0. In the world of orality, the library is memory. Any past event that deserves to be remembered is accessible only through the memory of

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Really sloppy.

Since yesterday morning, some advertising billboards for a brand of coffee 'with a royal name' have been visible in the Milan metro stations. It is easy to imagine how much this onomastic nobility is highlighted: graphics and slogans designed on purpose, but with rather tacky results. In fact, the slogan is “really good” with

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They had already made him spend an entire morning to set up all those tables, finish the shopping and make a hundred thousand phone calls, when Michele Scogliamiglio let him know that yes, at the provincial congress, the Ronconi boys would also bring his candidacy for the secretariat of the youth of the party, but which, however,

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When it is time to march, many do not know that the enemy is marching at their head. The voice that commands them is the voice of their enemy. And whoever speaks of the enemy is himself the enemy. Bertold Brecht, On the wall, in Brecht, Poesie, edited by L. Forte, Einaudi, Turin, 2005.   

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An autoerotic labor

It seems that Travaglio was admitted to emergency hospital this morning. «I exaggerated – he said – I really exaggerated» – commenting on the muscular atrophy in the genitals which seriously affected him. «The government crisis was too exciting: I masturbated 89 times yesterday alone; I just can not stop; I don't have it

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Political projects that look far ahead

A political (or even, simply, electoral) project should not be a program divided into points in which one promises to do this, this, and that. A political project - or a leader who embodies it - should imagine Italy (or even Europe and the world) in the next five, ten, twenty

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Border politics

Social democratic thinking is certainly a minority and marginal thought in this historical context. And, certainly, the hegemonic role of market ideology keeps him even further in the corner and paints him as old. Unfortunately, however, it is equally true that, especially in Italy, there are no sufficiently authoritative and intelligent figures to get it off the ground.

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What we deserve

To find an answer to why we arrived at the Letta government I would start from the words of Antonio Gramsci: "Some whine pitifully, others swear obscenely, but no one or few ask themselves: if I too had done my duty, if I had tried to assert my will, my advice, it would happen

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Trust in the EU falls to historic lows.

My translation for Daidaidai Milano of the article by Ian Traynor which appeared in The Guardian on 24 April 2013. Citizens' trust in the European Union has fallen to historic lows in the six main countries of the Union itself, raising fundamental questions about its democratic legitimacy for more than three years in the worst crisis that

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