
Political projects that look far ahead

A political (or even, simply, electoral) project should not be a program divided into points in which one promises to do this, this, and that. A political project - or a leader who embodies it - should imagine Italy (or even Europe and the world) in the next five, ten, twenty

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Border politics

Social democratic thinking is certainly a minority and marginal thought in this historical context. And, certainly, the hegemonic role of market ideology keeps him even further in the corner and paints him as old. Unfortunately, however, it is equally true that, especially in Italy, there are no sufficiently authoritative and intelligent figures to get it off the ground.

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What we deserve

To find an answer to why we arrived at the Letta government I would start from the words of Antonio Gramsci: "Some whine pitifully, others swear obscenely, but no one or few ask themselves: if I too had done my duty, if I had tried to assert my will, my advice, it would happen

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Trust in the EU falls to historic lows.

My translation for Daidaidai Milano of the article by Ian Traynor which appeared in The Guardian on 24 April 2013. Citizens' trust in the European Union has fallen to historic lows in the six main countries of the Union itself, raising fundamental questions about its democratic legitimacy for more than three years in the worst crisis that

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About the government

If we all began to behave as well-informed citizens, we participated with intelligence and culture in public affairs, we had a sense of community and the sense of being part of a common project, things would gradually (but significantly) improve and we could finally go back to be a country of which

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Chavez is a comedian turned dictator. An interview with Charles Dantzig.

The following article is my translation of «Chavez, c'était Patrick Sébastien devenu dictateur»: interview that appeared in the BibliObs column of Le nouvel Observateur. When Charles Dantzig learned the news of Hugo Chavez's death, he "had the feeling that an important character in his book was disappearing, he was in disarray." This is because, it

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The contradictions of the comic screamer

We had understood that history was no pupil's teacher by now. But we would never have imagined that it would repeat itself at such close distances. Not yet finished the screening of the Berlusconi film, in fact, the narrow and vulgar populism starts to turn again in the films of the 5-star Movement. Born

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Intellectuals annihilated by the power of the media?

The following article is my translation of Les intellectuels anéantis par la puissance des médias? from the blog La République des livres by Pierre Assouline. What, then, is an intellectual? It looks like nothing, this question; it is a real knot about the concept and a debasement of it. The time has passed

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The flarf autopsy

The last meal of the death row inmates has around 2700 calories and a strong fried food component. It was thanks to the valuable TripAdvisor reviews and driven by desire, that we decided to try this particular meal. In fact, for a few weeks now, the fried oil had become a precious commodity. To exist is nothing but hot air, after all.

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God flarf

I am lucky and above all I am very happy, I thank God because I thought about my children and said: "Oh my God, my children!" I also said these things to my university mates and I managed to influence many excellent people by telling the story of the horse in the tradition of the polo game: "The horse is a gift from God to

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