Danilo Aprigliano


Philology is that honorable art which requires one thing above all from its enthusiast: to step aside, to leave time, to become silent, to become slow, being an art and an expertise of goldsmiths of the word, which must carry out very fine, careful work and achieves nothing. if it doesn't reach it slow. But precisely for this reason it is more necessary today than ever; it is precisely for this reason that it attracts and enchants us more strongly than ever, in the heart of an era of "work": I mean of haste, of unseemly and sweaty haste, which wants to "hurry" everything immediately (...). For such an art it is not so easy to do anything because it teaches us to read well, that is, to read slowly in depth, looking back and forth, not without ulterior motives, leaving doors open, with delicate fingers and eyes.
