Danilo Aprigliano

Work and knowledge: notes for an electoral program

Of course, it is all too easy, as is customary in certain politics, to promise new ones jobs (to the younger ones, perhaps) or attribute the scarcity to the responsibility of some social group (immigrants, for example). But creating jobs (and therefore improving the economy) means creating a harmonious network of knowledge and skills they do system and share a common ground of objectives, horizons, programs. Starting point, therefore: knowledge is know-how. A community that represents a very small part of humanity and the economic world can assert itself and survive only if it knows how to do and knows how to do better than others. Therefore it is important to start again from arts and crafts, widespread knowledge is innovative and innovative specializations. Work is first of all a philosophy and a way of understanding it community in which you live. Therefore the flexibility much preached is only the consequence of stability, from the well-established coordination between skills and will. In the same way that a company is more externally flexible the more it is stable inside, thus a social system is all the more capable of dealing with challenges which occur the more intelligences and professions are coordinated and harmonious. But for this to happen it is necessary to design is mediate. Networking, therefore, training, industrial and labor policies, professions, businesses is the mental attitude to adopt to prepare to face the future. I mentioned internal stability as a condition for the flexibility of companies in the face of a changing world. Well, the constant and continuous use of temporary work, internships, precariousness is the symptom that our companies function poorly and are inadequate for the context in which we find ourselves. We need politics and economic policies that are capable of interpret reality, are able to allocate resources and investments well. So if, for example, he offered himself subsidized credit and public incentives were diverted to new businesses according to criteria of adherence to certain ones entrepreneurial policies, innovative planning, experimentation, quality, research a process could be started that allows us to get back on track and establish the foundations for subsequent planning.
