Danilo Aprigliano

The contradictions of the comic screamer

We had understood by now that history was no pupil's teacher. But we would never have imagined that it would happen again at such close distances. Not yet finished the screening of Berlusconi's film, in fact, narrow-minded and vulgar populism starts to appear again in the films of the 5 Star Movement.

Born from the will of Beppe Grillo and Gianroberto Casaleggio, the movement aims to organize those groups of people who, after having rented their brains to the comedian opinion leader, felt moved by anger and hatred against a political class labeled as the cause of all evil existing and, therefore, nicknamed “caste”. Millions of voters, in the latest political consultations, believed that this could really be the right organization to govern the country and therefore ensure that the citizens' interest (the specific nature of this interest has never been argued) prevailed and justice was done. The contradictions, demagogy, populism in the intentions and programs do not seem to be visible: many random ideas, no ideal structure, a great desire for revenge against the "caste" enemy of an "honest (sic!) and hardworking (sic) population ! sic! sic!)” but without this leaving room for something constructive.

It would only be enough to look a little at the personal history of the shouty comedian to realize this and understand that perhaps this is not the best path to take.

In 1988, this funny guy was convicted by the Supreme Court on charges of multiple manslaughter of 2 adults and an 8 year old child.
In 2003, the champion of honest people took advantage of Berlusconi's tax amnesty - which he had repeatedly criticized for rewarding tax evaders - to fix up his villa.
Then in 2005, according to the Revenue Agency, Grillo declared a taxable income of 4,272,591 euros and in 2009, despite having always declared himself linked to the Communist Refoundation, the financial police found a Ferrari, a motor boat and a house in Switzerland complete with a current account.
In 2009, despite having publicly stated a few years earlier that he would never run for office and that he would never enter politics, he founded the 5 Star Movement and immediately became its undisputed leader without ever clarifying his strange relationships with the Casaleggios. and with the banks he repeatedly accused of being "the new mafias".
In 2003 he negotiated a fine of 4 thousand euros in the trial for aggravated defamation of the Nobel Prize winner Rita Levi-Montalcini, who was called an "old whore" in 2001. Anti-feminist par excellence, in fact, he has often addressed epithets of this kind to women or others that describe them as inept, suitable only for staying at home and having children.
Then in 2013, shouting "everyone home!", he launched his movement (of which he continues to be the undisputed leader) at the political and regional elections with a program based solely on insulting the political class and the desire to replace it with "common people".

Demogagy and populism are very old arts that have been known since the dawn of civilization. Think of the civil wars in Roman history, for example; or to Italian fascism and Berlusconism. The results, as can easily be seen, have always been catastrophic.
