Really sloppy.

Since yesterday morning, some advertising billboards for a coffee brand 'with a royal name' have been visible in the Milan metro stations. It is easy to imagine how much this onomastic nobility is highlighted: graphics and slogans designed on purpose, but with rather tacky results. In fact, the slogan is “really good” with the first syllable (re-) written in larger letters than the rest. To surround the logo and advertisement, there are also texts, some of which 'rhyme'. But leaving aside the hilarious poetic results, what is striking is not only the spelling and typographical incorrectness ('e' and 'u' with the apostrophe instead of the accent, excessive ellipsis, lowercase letters instead of capitals, etc.) , as well as the inconsistency and lack of uniformity in editorial choices - even erroneous ones - a symptom of rather embarrassing sloppiness.
