Write well. A miraculous lifestyle.

Of course, "writing correctly - as Graziadio Isaia Ascoli states - always remains, despite the vaunted safety of contrary standards, something that smacks of a miracle, something that could endanger your life" and then we know: "whoever writes well is scientifically suspect" (Adorno). But rehabilitation is possible. Always and for anyone (oh god, maybe not anyone). In any case, there is no need to dramatize.

Writing well is first of all a mental attitude; a philosophy that involves attention – missionary altruism, I would say! – towards the reader.
It doesn't mean mastering a courtly stylistic register. Just make yourself understood without effort; that is, without forcing the reader to decipher various mental contortions or to travel through syntactic labyrinths. Speeches must be ordered, starting from the sentences - the small components of a text - and from the arrangement of the words in the sentence, the minimal components, the smallest ones.

The first step? Read well. It's not for everyone; don't believe it. It does not only mean understanding words and sentences, but also grasping the nuances of the speech, its implications, stylistic choices and, if there is one, also its persuasive intent.

«Rules, in language and other human activities, are not imposed at whim. They are (almost always) the distillate of experience, and they produce results", writes Beppe Severgnini.
The simplicity of writing – we already talked about it in a previous post – requires little effort. I – actually – would rather talk about lightness: simplicity it sends the thought towards something that resembles sloppy and superficial spontaneism and not, rather, effort, revision (made up of rereading) and reflection.
Then (what can you do?) I learned about people who found work by writing these sentences in their cover letter: «this experience made me aware of knowing and working with many important companies, bringing with me a wealth of essential skills with a attention is also paid to the more operational aspects". Truly crazy, these Italian employers.

Web 2.0 has made – how beautiful! – writing as important as it was some time ago; before they invented the telephone and television. Writing well is more than important: it is indispensable. As essential as understanding the world in which you operate. Language, in fact, is not a tool that is only used for speaking and writing: it is also used for thinking. For this reason it is necessary to know it well: writing well also means thinking well. Using the language well means having the most important tool.
