
Exercises in writing and imagination.

Teaching materials. Here is the outline for a nice writing exercise that will get used (the kids, but not only) to the exercise of the imagination and to the textual organization. On the basis of the information and statements written below, you compose a journalistic reportage in which you pretend to be the special correspondent for a fake film festival

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Argue. That is the practice of respect.

The forms and modes of the argumentative text: the general lines. Arguing is an indispensable practice for any speech. Whoever speaks or writes presents his / her own opinion on a starting problem or situation; he explains it, demonstrates it, defends it, refutes a thought different from his own

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Write well. A miraculous lifestyle.

Of course, "writing correctly - as Graziadio Isaia Ascoli affirms - always remains, despite the vaunted certainty of contrary norms, something that tastes like a miracle, something to endanger your life" and then you know: "who writes well is scientifically suspect" (Adorno). But rehabilitation is possible. Always and for

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To summarise. Or how to get rid of the useless.

Summarizing means condensing the content into fewer words, simply exposing the essential points, or the plot. The essential points: that is, the bare minimum without losing what you need. But what is it for? This is learned slowly, with experience. Start with taking away

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About lightness

Attention to detail, attention to detail, linguistic precision, philology as a whole, far from being legacies of pedantry, are rather the most authentic corollaries of lightness. An ambitious goal, this noun (which is, rather, a lifestyle): it requires commitment and work, perseverance and determination. On the contrary, superficiality, conformity, sloppiness

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