
About the government

If we all began to behave as well-informed citizens, we participated with intelligence and culture in public affairs, we had a sense of community and the sense of being part of a common project, things would gradually (but significantly) improve and we could finally go back to be a country of which

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Chavez is a comedian turned dictator. An interview with Charles Dantzig.

The following article is my translation of «Chavez, c'était Patrick Sébastien devenu dictateur»: interview that appeared in the BibliObs column of Le nouvel Observateur. When Charles Dantzig learned the news of Hugo Chavez's death, he "had the feeling that an important character in his book was disappearing, he was in disarray." This is because, it

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The contradictions of the comic screamer

We had understood that history was no pupil's teacher by now. But we would never have imagined that it would repeat itself at such close distances. Not yet finished the screening of the Berlusconi film, in fact, the narrow and vulgar populism starts to turn again in the films of the 5-star Movement. Born

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Intellectuals annihilated by the power of the media?

The following article is my translation of Les intellectuels anéantis par la puissance des médias? from the blog La République des livres by Pierre Assouline. What, then, is an intellectual? It looks like nothing, this question; it is a real knot about the concept and a debasement of it. The time has passed

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School: notes for an electoral program

A more complex society requires more knowledge. Teachers and teaching are, therefore, the cardinal points on the way to the future. To keep up with the world and overcome the challenges it poses (or imposes) we must know and know how to do more and better. Training is the pivot on

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Work and knowledge: notes for an electoral program

Of course, it is all too easy, as is customary in certain politics, to promise new jobs (to younger people, perhaps) or to attribute the scarcity to the responsibility of some social group (immigrants, for example). But creating jobs (and therefore improving the economy) means creating a harmonious network of knowledge and skills that

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Diversity and multiculturalism. Notes for an election program

If xenophobia and fear of the different have been the masters of political thought in recent years, the agenda we would like to write starts from words such as diversity, school, integration, respect, culture, openness, religions (in the plural). Diversity must no longer be an opponent, but a value. Focusing on training and one

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Grillarie and DiPietrarie

Primaries, Parliamentarians, Berlusconaries, Prisons, ... The well-known journalist Marcio Grillaglio, during the talk show Populist Service, intervenes on the issue, but forgets (how is this possible !?) those concerning his favorite political parties: the Grillarie and the DiPietrarie. Let's try to fix it ourselves. So, Grillarie are those elections that consist in making

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